Saturday, February 20, 2010

Who needs American Idol when there is Youtube?

American Idol; whether you like it or not, from the awful yet hilarious disasters to the miraculous performances everyone has seen it. Though guaranteed a contract at the end of the show if one wins, is american idol really the only way to get to the top. Look in the previous seasons, who are the biggest successes? I would argue that they are Carrie Underwood, 1st place season 4, and Chris Daughtry, 4th place season 5. Yes it is fantastic for millions to watch and enjoy week after week, but when albums comes out, the winners arent always the best, are they? Out of the first 7 seasons, not counting the 8th because they are still young away from the show, only Carrie in the final 3's has been more than a one hit wonder. Thats 1 out of 21! Maybe youtube should start giving out contracts, that could last longer in the mainstream. From cover songs to orginals, youtube has some great talents yet to be discovered. Though like American idol where there are a lot of musicians to laugh at because they are as bad as us in the shower, there isnt an age limit to success. Take Susan Boyle for example. Regardless if you like her style of music or not, it is hard to argue that she has a bad voice. Yes, i realize she was on the british version of American Idol before blowing it up on youtube, but here in the US there are age limits. Though he may not be the greatest singer yet or completely follow with my arguement, check out this little guy, and the number of views this song has had, it may be more than any of those 20 others in the top 3 of american idol combined. All im saying is that producers should start watching a little more youtube, and a little less american idol.

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